FEUD - Cairn Adaptation
Below is an adaptation of FEUD to Cairn first edition. It goes from character creation to some monsters and NPCs.
Anything that is unchanged from the original is to be used as is.
Character Creation
If you wish your characters to be from the region itself, keep the same except for starting gear and below. Each character starts with access to as much food as they need and other tools that might be lent to them by their community.
If you wish your characters to be wandering adventurers, keep everything the same except for the below.
Name and Background
Backgrounds (d12) | . | . | . |
1. Mot (Wrath) | 6. Karl (Human) | 11. Ful (Foul) | 16. Hvitr (White) |
2. Jofur (Boar) | 7. Vig (Battle) | 12. Vor (Vigilant) | 17. Mers (Fame) |
3. Bane (Bane) | 8. Wis (Wisdom) | 13. Nand (Daring) | 18. Leud (Spear) |
4. Uul (Temple) | 9. Leifr (Heir) | 14. Hialm (Helm) | 19. Aud (War) |
5. Geb (Gift) | 10. Arn (Eagle) | 15. Rafn (Raven) | 20. Valdr (Ruler) |
Roll once on the table above for a single name, twice to join the names together. Use either the original or “translated” word. E.g 1 and 5 is ‘Mot-geb’ or ‘Wrath Gift’.
Backgrounds (d12) | . | . | . |
1. Herbalist | 4. Raider | 7. Farmer | 10. Priest |
2. Smith | 5. Shaman | 8. Justice | 11. Witch |
3. Forester | 6. Hunter | 9. Poet | 12. Trader |
Starting Gear (d20)
Armour | . | . | . |
1-11 | 12-17 | 18-9 | 20 |
Cloth | Thickened Cloth | Mail patches | Mail shirt |
Shield and helmet | . | . | . |
1-10 | 11-16 | 17-9 | 20 |
Old, cumbersome Shield and hood | Unwieldy shield and hood | Shield and thick cloth cap | Balanced shield and metal helm |
Weapons | . | . |
1-11 | 12-17 | 18-20 |
Roll once on table below | Roll twice | Roll three times |
Weapons | . | . | . |
1. Ugly and awkward mallet | 6. Worn but dependable spear | 11. dull and awkward war axe | 16. Frail but elegant bow |
2. Frail wood axe | 7. Frail spear | 12. Worn bow | 17. Strong bow |
3. Old and bulky spear | 8. Refined spear | 13. Old but beautiful long knife | 18. Unbalanced long axe |
4. Tough but bulky mallet | 9. Bone pick | 14. Frail old sword | 19. Tough, ancestral spear |
5. Balanced wood axe | 10. Unwieldy and weak spear | 15. Tough war axe | 20. ugly old long knife |
There is a perchance generator for generating arms and armour in the world of FEUD.
Expeditionary Gear | . | . | . |
1. Yard of cloth | 6. Herbal elixir | 11. Stone Maul | 16. Satchels |
2. String | 7. Poisonous herbs | 12. Stinking herbs | 17. Bladder |
3. Protective Amulet | 8. Long staff | 13. Trapping tools | 18. Cursing amulet |
4. Tinder | 9. Bone pick | 14. Wood spade | 19. Animal parts |
5. Herbal poultice | 10. Dowsing rod | 15. Household knife | 20. Wood whistle |
Tools | . | . | . |
1. Bellows | 6. Clay pot | 11. Egg lubricant | 16. Net |
2. Carved bucket | 7. Bone/wood lever | 12. Stone hammer | 17. Small handaxe |
3. Animal teeth | 8. Awl | 13. Farming tool | 18. Plant resin |
4. Chalk/Stone | 9. Fishing rod | 14. Scraper | 19. Hoe |
5. Bone chisel | 10. Animal glue | 15. Wooden pins | 20. Wood tongs |
Trinkets | . | . | . |
1. Clay bottle | 6. Horn | 11. Polished metal | 16. Dried entrails |
2. Playing pieces | 7. Metal bracelet | 12. Natural scents | 17. Knuckle bones |
3. Dice | 8. Rattle | 13. Witch stones | 18. Broch pin |
4. Face paints | 9. Wash cloths | 14. Salt | 19. Hair band |
5. Plant Bracelet | 10. Wood marbles | 15. Noise maker | 20. Comb |
Most of these spellbooks should not be used. Those that can be specifically skinned as have an origin in the world of spirits or humans may be kept. That is, things that are “clearly magical” should be avoided. For example, telepathy or Summon Cube would not be appropriate, where Pacify and Hatred may be interpreted as the result of a poet’s wit or a hunter’s personality.
Prices and Equipment list
Gold and currency is not something that exists in the world of FEUD. Where things have a relative value the values given should be seen as a “category of value” that may have an effect in trade and bartering. For example, an object work 5 may be traded for another of similar value.
However, it is unlikely that these opportunities for trade will arise too often. Therefore you will have to rely on your neighbours who may loan you items, or you may have access to shared/communal equipment.
The Alone
1 HP, 2 Str, 3 Dex, 5 Wil
- They appear to be humans who awake in the waters of Leoth’s swamp, choking and lost.
- Cannot be damaged by mundane weapons, are instantly obliterated by sunlight or fire light.
- Can talk and are knowledgeable of the spirits, gods and monsters of this region.
2 HP, 6 Str, 15 Dex, X Wil
- Trickster spirits darting between the ancient trees, appearing as frightening visions depending on the viewer.
- Cannot be damaged by mundane weapons.
- Terrify: A PC exposed to a Foe Spirit must make a WIL save or be frightened or stunned.
Feorhnu’s Blood
12 HP, 2 Armor, 14 Str, 15 Dex, 18 Wil, Mistletoe boughs (d12)
- By day a woman’s body stuffed in an oak tree, by night a humanoid mass of shambling mistletoe, trying to regain her humanity.
- Feorhnu’s Blood will regrow after her death.
- Those who possess Feorhnu’s hand can communicate with this monster and learn her knowledge of the people and gods of this land.
Göt Warriors
4 HP, 1 Armor, 10 Str, 15 Dex, 14 Wil, Axes and spears (d8)
- All Göt tend to being honourable in battle and will avoid fights where they outnumber foes, surprise attacks and so forth.
Göt Lords and Heroes
5 HP, 2 Armor, 10 Str, 15 Dex, 14 Wil, Sword and long-axes (d10)
Herulic warriors
5 HP, 2 Armor, 10 Str, 15 Dex, 10 Wil, Axes and spears (d8)
- Herulic warriors are well trained and cunning and will use any tool to win the fight.
Friends of Yng
4 HP, 0 Armor , 8 Str, 15 Dex, 16 Wil, Old weaponry (d6)
- Poorly equipped but with the determination of zealots.
Lords and Heroes of the Friends of Yng
5 HP, 1 Armor, 12 Str, 14 Dex, 16 Wil, Sword and long-axes (d10)
- Often carrying uniquely powerful equipment and with incredible strength of spirit.
Hunters of The Fur and Bone Road
6 HP, 12 Str, 15 Dex, 18 Wil, Knives, short spears, fists (d8)
- These people live to their own code of savagery and survival. Unlikely to fight to the death except in defence to their people.